What's this all about?

My name is Olivia and I am a student of Indiana University. I have lived in Indiana my entire life. Also, I can count the amount of times I have ventured outside of the U.S. on one hand. Even more unfortunate, I would say that these endeavors outside of the U.S. can be boiled down to nothing more than a van ride to the all inclusive resorts and cruise ships that I have seen the world through. Thankfully, my view of the world is about to change. I will be studying abroad in Sevilla, Spain next semester and I have created this blog for all my family and friends to share in my experiences while I am living in Spain. I hope that you are able to authentically take part in my journey throughout Spain during this next semester!

November 2, 2014

Fundación Real Escuela de Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre

This past Saturday a friend of mine from my program here in Sevilla and I took a train to Jerez to see this really cool horse show. This riding school is like world famous for their dressage and all the other crazy cool stuff they can do with their horses. And also if none of you know anything about horses, the Andalusian breed is a really old and really pure horse breed that came from Spain, specifically Andalucía, hence the name of the horse breed "Andalusian." The city that I am studying abroad in, Sevilla, is the capital of the province called Andalucía. It is basically just the whole southern portion of Spain.

Soo, dressage is basically where the rider asks his or her horse to do all these crazy things that regular horses would never do. The time frame to train these horses to do all this stuff is like a decade before they can actually recall every single cue to do dressage. The show we saw was called "como bailan los caballos andaluces," which is translated into "how the Andalusian horses dance." It is called that because that's what dressage looks like. Anyways, we weren't allowed to take any pictures or video during the show but I will post a video of what it would have looked like from their website. My friend snapped one illegal pic at the end. Hehe. 

Ciudad de Jerez de la Frontera

Bodega (winery) de Jerez. Jerez = "sherry" in english. Sherry is a very yummy type of sweet red wine that Spain in really famous for

Fundación Real Escuela Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre!

Entrada principal de la Escuela

The grounds of the school 

Some cool building on the grounds of the riding school

close up this same cool building

Front of the main building on the grounds

dressage practice arena for the team

I have never heard of this breed of horses before but apparently it's the breed in which our current horses are developed from

back of the main building that overlooks the dressage arena

The main show arena

entrance to the official arena 

Puerta A! This the gate we went into to get to our seats

The show arena

Pictures in the world famous Fundación Real Escuela del Arte Ecuestre thanks to my friend Alaina!

Here's a youtube link that shows what the show is really like. It's a pretty long video but just skip around to see what is was really like. This person was very daring with their prolonged illegal taping of the show...


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